

Improv Mining Co. performs a variety of shows, in a variety of locations, most often at our home, The Heath. Included here are brief descriptions of those shows. To stay up to date on our upcoming performances, like us on Facebook, and follow our events.

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The House show

The House Show is our most frequent show. In this show a cast ranging from 4 to 10 improvisers make up a two-act play on the spot. Usually the play is inspired by a title provided by the audience. The play may run anywhere from 30-60 minutes, depending on the venue. 

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In Progress

In Progress is a two or three-person show, most often performed by Errol, James, and Scott. In this show the players seek to step into characters' lives already in progress. Improvisers will often play different characters, sometimes switching between characters within one scene. This show has a natural, slice-of-life, feel and usually runs between 30-60 minutes, depending on the venue. 

Educators Sketch Show

The Educators Sketch Show is a completely original sketch revue, written to honor and celebrate educators. This show happens at the end of every school year and features improvisation, original sketch and songs created by the Improv Mining Co. crew. Our hope in producing this show is to give the gift of laughter to the folks who work hard for our kids day in and day out with little thanks, for little pay. To this end, the show is free for Helena's school district employees, but open for everyone to attend.