
Sketch Show For Educators

To express our appreciation for teachers we write and perform a totally original sketch comedy show for teachers every year. This show is a celebration of folks who work so hard for our community and don’t get nearly the thanks they deserve. So we try to say “thank you” in our little way. Check out a few clips from past performances here:


Creativity Project

Improv Mining Co. introduces students across Montana to improv comedy. However, this isn't just improv for improv's sake. No, no, no. Montana consistently ranks as one of the worst states in the nation for suicide, and teens are at especially high risk.

We're aiming to use improv as one more tool to fight anxiety and depression, and thus the risk of suicide. This approach has proven effective in settings from the Detroit school system to Improv for Anxiety classes at Chicago's Second City and is supported by sound research published in reputable journals (like this one, and this one, and this one). 

Our curriculum is flexible and has been developed by licensed Montana teachers and experienced improvisers. If you'd like more information about bringing this project to your middle school or high school classroom or hosting it in your neighborhood or community, we'd love to talk with you. If you're interested in supporting this initiative through donations, sponsorships, or other forms of collaboration, we'd love to talk with you. If you just think it's cool and want to cheer us on, we'd love to talk with you. So get in touch (through the form below) and let's start a conversation about how improv can save lives. 


Contact us here to learn more about bringing our sketch show to your district, a workshop to your school or classroom, or how to get involved in the Creativity Project: